B The Great

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B The Great in English

Hi there!
I’m Sophie, and I’m glad that you decided to know me a bit better. The „B The Great” blog has been created in 2017. Back then, I haven’t thought about writing in English. I didn’t feel fluent enough to step aside from the Polish language – or maybe, I wasn’t confident enough of the idea of writing my own blog to try it in English.

All of the blog posts in English are to be found HERE. Or just clink under the „In English” tab – you’ll find then the „Blog posts” category. And that’s what you are certainly looking for! An if you want to know more about me, go to „Who am I?” page.

nauka angielskiego inaczej - bthegreat.pl - strefa komfortu - english

So far, I encourage you to follow me on my social media and feel welcome here. If you have any questions, you can always text me or send me an email at kontakt@bthegreat.pl. I am to be found on Facebook and Instagram, but on the second one I’m way more active. Well, I’ll let these pictures speak for themselves:

I’m glad to see you here and I hope that you’ll come back again. Have a nice day!

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