So far, I started three blog posts. And in every single of them, I got stuck at some point. Because of that, I decided on a story that could happen to anyone – these are the most effortless to write, aren’t they? You don’t have to struggle with the plot a lot because you’re the one that experienced it.
Let’s get to the point – this could, possibly, happen to anyone, but only I was lucky enough.

Calm Saturday evening
Saturday is a day of rituals in my home. It usually includes longer walks (individual or in a bigger group), vacuuming, mopping the floors, some amount of learning and obligatory evening film. On that day we picked „Titanic”. I haven’t watched that until then. How is that even possible? That needed to be changed!
We made ourselves comfy on the couch when I suddenly remembered that I have forgotten about crips! Popcorn is our tradition, but only peanut crisps are worth killing. I materialised in the kitchen in a flash, standing in front of a cupboard. It was placed a bit higher than the top of my head. I opened it and saw my desired peanut crisps. Next to the bag of them stood a jar of Nutella. And even not an original Nutella, but its imitation. What a fate’s irony, but you’ll see that later.
I took a deep breath, climbed on my toes and took the peanut crisps bag. And with them, I took the jar. Well, the problem is that I didn’t plan to touch it at all.
Nothing broke…
The jar felt with a rumble on the tabletop, bounced off it and echoed on the kitchen floor for a few seconds. Luckily, everybody was okay – my head nor limb wasn’t hit, the jar was in one piece, and the tiles on the floor weren’t intact. Scared in the first place, I smiled and stepped into the living room proudly. Nothing broke!
Let me explain why it mattered so much. Six or seven years earlier, there was a little girl on Croatian camping. She was carrying a heavy jar of Nutella in her hands, cleaning the table up after breakfast. It wasn’t a cheap one. I was going to the shared kitchen in the heart of this camping when I accidentally dropped the jar. Of course, it didn’t stand a chance with rocky, Croatian ground, and the glass was everywhere. I’m sure that I cried. Oh, come on, what kind of kid wouldn’t sob in this situation? Up to this day, when I’m holding a jar of Nutella or another chocolate cream, my family looks at me suspiciously. Okay, let’s get back to this Saturday evening.
My mom went to the kitchen to check if everything was okay, and the only thing that I heard was, „Oh no…”.
…or at least I thought so.
I entered the kitchen, concerned. Is that possible that I haven’t seen a broken tile? Maybe something else broke? Why it always has to be me and a jar of Nutella?!
I looked at the tabletop and went speechless. Imagine an impossible scenario that could happen. I can bet that even then, you wouldn’t guess what occurred.
I showed you the trajectory of the Nutella jar earlier. It made the jar bump onto the tabletop. Then bounce it off the tabletop, and hit the floor a few times. What could lay on the exact place where the jar hit the tabletop? A plate? A book?
No, it was my brand new phone, if you’re asking.
I was mad because of this irony’s fate. My family wasn’t sure if they should laugh or try to comfort me. The jar destroyed the screen of my phone. Luckily, thousands of specialists can fix that. They can repair all of the bored phones that decided to jump off the balcony without a parachute or hug the ground with an enormous speed. In this case, the love between my phone and Nutella couldn’t and wouldn’t work. It’s not a healthy relationship if one of the sides keeps hurting the other!
There is one conclusion – I should cut Nutella out of my life. I will be healthier and safer.

It took me two days to finish this post, but it might be easier to go back to regular publishing now. At least, I hope so!
What’s your mortal enemy or other mischevious objects? In my case, I should be afraid of what Nutella planned for me.